Letter from Archbishop Makarios to the Chairman of the North Euboean Foundation, 5 May 1965

Nicosia, 5th May, 1965.
Dear Mr. Noel Baker,
It is with particular pleasure that I was informed about the establishment of the NORTH EUBOEAN FOUNDATION LTD. and that her Royal Highness Princess Irene of Greece has become official Patron of this charitable institution.
I wish to express my congratulations and my deep appreciation for the aims which the NORTH EUBOEAN FOUNDATION serves.
As a token of my esteem towards the Foundation I am enclosing a cheque for two hundred pounds as a small contribution for the presentation to be made to Her Royal Highness Princess Irene of Greece.
Sincerely yours
Archbishop Makarios
President of the Republic of Cyprus
Francis Noel Baker M.P.,
House of Commons,